Rhubarb, communicty garden, Victoria, British Columbia

6 Best Perennial Vegetables to Grow in Your Backyard Food Forest

Perennial vegetables are a great addition to any backyard food forest. These plants come back year after year, providing a steady supply of fresh produce without the need for replanting. Here are some of the best perennial vegetables to consider adding to your food forest: Perennial Vegetables to Grow Incorporating perennial vegetables into your backyard food…

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Permaculture Garden Design: How to Create a Sustainable and Productive Outdoor Space

Permaculture is a holistic approach to gardening that focuses on creating sustainable and self-sufficient ecosystems. By mimicking the patterns and relationships found in nature, your permaculture garden design can produce an abundance of food, medicine, and other resources while also improving soil health and biodiversity. Permaculture Garden Design One key aspect of permaculture garden design…

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permaculture strata-title garden

Growing a Permaculture Garden: A Sustainable and Efficient Approach to Growing Your Own Food

Permaculture gardening is a sustainable and efficient approach to growing your own food. It is based on the principles of permaculture, a design philosophy that mimics natural ecosystems to create self-sustaining systems. In permaculture gardening, the focus is on creating a diverse and interdependent ecosystem in the garden, rather than a monoculture. Growing a Permaculture…

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